Important News

St Ignatius Loyola founded the Jesuits.Ignatius Loyola is placed with educators from Socrates to Dewey as one of the world’s great innovators of education. Jesuits run many schools, colleges and universities across the globe.


The goals of Jesuit Education have always been to offer means to become a person of choice, inviting students to be more concerned about their fellow beings. Find God by becoming men and women for others.

Welcome to Loyola College of Education

Loyola College of Education is a Catholic, Private, Minority institution situated at Namchi, the South District of Sikkim in a sprawling and picturesque ten acres of land at the foothills of the Himalayas. It was started in response to the request of the Government of Sikkim and is named after St Ignatius of Loyola, the Founder of the Society of Jesus.

The Society of Jesus was founded in 1540 by St Ignatius of Loyola and its members are popularly known as the Jesuits. It is an International Catholic Religious Order with its members engaged in activities such as Education, Social Action, Legal Aid, Communication, Pastoral Works, Adult and Rural Literacy Programmes, Environmental studies etc.

The concept of an educational institution like Loyola College of Education in Sikkim was originally conceived by Fr Cherian Padiyara, S.J., the then Regional Superior of the Darjeeling Jesuits. This vision was subsequently concretized and professionally & aesthetically designed by Mr Kiran Rasaily. Its foundation stone was blessed by Fr Peter Hans Kolevanbach, S.J., the then Superior General of the Society of Jesus on March 03, 1993. The construction of the College building was supervised & got ready for use by June 1994 by Fr Giles Goluckmu, S.J., and the first batch of trainees was admitted in July,1994.

Origin & History

Its foundation stone was blessed by Fr Peter Hans Kolevanbach, S.J. on March 03, 1993

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Vision & Mission

Preparing men and women for others who are intellectually alert, religiously mutually accepting...

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Principal's Message

The insights of great Educationists, Philosophers, Psychologists, Sociologists, Economists, Political leaders etc

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Courses offered